How To Uninstall Usb Controller Driver


Note: If your user interface devices such as a mouse or keyboard, or any other USB devices such as a USB Network Adapter are on the same root hub as the USB device you are trying to re-detect, then you will lose connectivity to your mouse or keyboard while the restart is performed. Now, Windows will remove and re-detect. Method 1: Uninstall Renesas Electronics USB Host Controller Driver via Programs and Features. When a new piece of program is installed on your system, that program is added to the list in Programs and Features. How to Troubleshoot an Acer Laptop USB Port. Right-click a USB root hub in Device Manager, then click 'Uninstall' to remove the hardware drivers. In case of a power surge, your USB ports must be refreshed by uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers. Repeat the uninstall for each device listed under USB controllers in Device Manager. Uninstall USB Drivers on Windows 7. To open the device manager. This can also be done by right clicking Computer and choosing Manage, the device manager will be in the left column. In the device manager menu, click View and enable Show hidden devices. If you now expand Universal Serial Bus controllers. I uninstalled USB drivers and devices in device manager after following instructions from. I think I deleted the root hub and the host controller.

I have an old USB device that is not recognized by windows 7, so I grabbed the device driver for the chip that handles the USB communications. After I modified it I used it to install for the device. Stupid I know, but now I need to get rid of it.

Below is the code from the inf setup file. This does not have the VID and PID that I changed. I need to reverse all the changes it made.


3 Answers

Another option (the Microsoft way, without doing random unknown deletings in the registry) is to start CMD as 'run as admin' and then list all installed drivers in the Windows 7 driver store via:

pnputil -e

if this caused a longer list you can pipe that into a file via:

pnputil -e > C:driverexport.txt

If you have found now the driver you need to remove use the following comand:

pnputil.exe -d OemNUMBER.inf

replace NUMBER with your number from your example. You might try to use -F to force the uninstallation. Once a reboot is done the driver should be gone.

This might be also usefull to delete old drivers and get some HD space back.


How To Uninstall Usb Controller Driver Windows 10

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If you have installed a driver for a device and you want to remove it (and the driver store) just plug in your device. Open Device Manager, right click the device and select Uninstall. There will be a box that says 'Remove driver software' - check this box and Uninstall the driver. This should remove it from the driver store and uninstall the device from the registry.

If all drivers for the device has been removed you should be able to plug it in and see that no driver loads for the device. If it does there could be multiple versions in your driver store and you go through the same steps until Windows doesn't recognize the device.

Note that the SYS file will remain in the C:WindowsSystem32drivers directory per policy, but if all devices and installations are removed that use it you can safely delete this driver as well.

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While the steps mentioned in answers above may be correct, this is a significantly easier method to do it:

Go to Device Manager or alternatively run the command


Right-click the device you need to uninstall and go to Properties. Select the Details tab and then select INF Name from the drop-down list

Once you have the INF Name type in this command in a command window opened with Admin privileges

How To Remove Usb Drivers


pnputil.exe -d INFName.inf

How To Uninstall Usb Controller Driver Download

if you face issues try forced deletion

How To Uninstall Usb Controller Driver Mac

pnputil.exe -f -d INFName.inf


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